walk at ease with walkies

Secure dog field

Here at Walk At Ease With Walkies we have a privately owned secure dog field based in Thornton, where dogs can run around and play.

Walkies HQ + Secure Dog field

Our small secure dog field is used during the day for our group dog walks here at Walk At Ease With Walkies. There is also a large indoor area onsite that is used for other services such as dog training and dog grooming and natural dog treats

Located at 230 Fleetwood Road South, FY5 5EE (Thornton)


Fenced All Way Round


A 6-foot wooden fence surrounds the whole perimeter making the field secure. This gives us the ability to closely oversea the dogs without the hassle from public areas and hazards.

Safe Environment


This secure dog field is an excellent environment for providing safe dog training for puppies and nervous rescue dogs. It removes the stress and anxiety, allowing your dog to walk at ease.


Large Field Norcross Roundabout 


Walkies is split up into two different sections we have the small dog field and large dog field further down the street. The large field is currently a work in progress as we have only just been granted the correct planning permits. 

Located 230 Fleetwood Road South, FY5 5EE (Thornton)

Register Now  

Sign up for a free client account for booking dog walking services. It’s fast and simple to use and smartphone friendly. Please fill out necessary info. Already have an account.

Wendy from Walkies Blackpool on a group dog walk surrounded by dogs.

Hire the field

The large secure field and small secure field are available to hire in the afternoon on week days and weekends. Book A Slot For Your Dog.